hell is on earth and the devil is real
hell is on earth and it’s in the basement of the souvlaki place that gave you food poisoning 4 years ago
the devil is real and he’s sitting there, grinning, reclining on a leather sofa, deep inside that tab of acid your uncle took in the 80s.
hell is on earth and it’s in the deadly body heat surrounding you in a mosh pit,
the blood seeping out of your finger when you fucked up chopping garlic

the devil is real and he wants you to work harder.
the devil is real and he is tall and slender,
wearing a suit, sitting in congress, legs crossed, hands perspiring
the devil is real and he’s a pickpocket in paris who is secretly a heir to a fortune

hell is on earth and it’s inside of the eyes of your friend’s little brother who was mis-prescribed ritalin and destroyed your playstation controller

hell is on earth as it is in heaven